
Posted on 2008年9月28日 星期日 by katejane12 in , ,

信大家都對聯合報記者施靜茹所報導三聚氰胺容許量》紐國5ppm 歐盟2.5ppm一文,充滿疑問,怎麼歐盟各成員國人民也不如豬?怎麼紐西蘭人還不如不如豬的我們?


EFSA's scientists today issued a statement saying that if adults in Europe were to consume chocolates and biscuits containing contaminated milk powder, they would not exceed the TDI (Tolerable Daily Intake) of 0.5 mg/kg body weight, even in worst case scenarios.


人家歐盟European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) 9 月 25 日確實有提出一份對於三聚氰胺容許量的建議報告,其中有提到 TDI (Tolerable Daily Intake) 不得超過 0.5 mg/kg bw但始終沒有提到 2.5ppm 這個關鍵數字??是見鬼了嗎?英文差,數字概念也不太好喔!博士們!

但熱心如我繼續幫你們搜尋 2.5ppm 這個關鍵數字,結果出現在英國 Food Standards Agency 網站。


英國Food Standards Agency 9月26日Update on melamine一文指出:

All products from China containing more than 15% milk as an ingredient, or products where the percentage of milk content cannot be established, will be subject to documentary, identity and physical checks, including laboratory analysis, to determine that any levels of melamine present in the product do not exceed 2.5 mg/kg. Those products with more than 2.5mg/kg will be destroyed.

There has been a longstanding ban on the import of milk and other products of animal origin from China as controls on the food industry in China do not meet the very strict requirements set in the EU.

意思是說牛奶成份超過15%的產品就必需受檢,三聚氰胺成份超過2.5mg/kg 的產品就必須被銷毀,而且由於中國的食品工業不符合歐盟的嚴格規定, 所以來自中國的牛奶及動物製品他們老早就已經全面禁止了,請注意,是「老早就全面禁止」,但是雖然原本早禁止了卻還唯恐既黑心又奸詐狡猾的中國從會從第三地進口以為規避,才又訂立了標準來查驗,以期將風險降到最低最低,也就是說中國任何有問題的產品原料將永不可能出現在英國了,哪怕是先出口到第三國再進口到英國,我們要如是比照嗎?你們說的喔!雖然我覺得有個政策都要參考他國的政府很鳥,但為了大家的健康,我勉為其難接受啦!


那紐西蘭呢?官網原文 如下:
Based on this figure, which is very close to but lower than that of the United States, NZFSA has adopted a conservative threshold of 5 ppm for most foods. This means that it has been considered that foods containing up to 5 ppm of melamine do not pose a risk to human health. However for starter infant formula, this level will be set to the current level of test detection of 1 ppm.

If NZFSA detects amounts above these levels, a risk assessment will be undertaken, taking into account how much melamine is in the food and how much is likely to be eaten in a day. If it is likely that anticipated consumption levels of the food will cause people to exceed the 0.5 mg/kg bodyweight tolerable daily intake, or there is a suspicion of adulteration, then the appropriate regulatory action will be taken

The measures NZFSA has imposed at the border will provide further assurances that products containing contaminated Chinese dairy ingredients should not enter New Zealand. From Tuesday, Customs checks will identify risk consignments at the border. Identified risk consignments will be stopped on arrival and only released when they have been found to meet New Zealand test requirements.

很妙,因為紐西蘭很雞婆的提到了前一天 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) 的聲明,並沒有改變原先三聚氰胺的檢測標準,還是維持在 0.5mg/kg bw,並且提到這個數字「接近但略低於美國」的標準,間接證明了美國是有檢測標準在的,怎麼該報導會說美國沒有訂標準呢?


NZFSA的意思也就是說,只是紐西蘭仍然先採取較[保守]的成人食品5ppm,嬰兒食品則以1ppm為監測等級;什麼是監測等級?意思是超過此等級,就要開始作風險評估,考慮到底有真正有多少三聚氰胺在食物中與每天可能吃到,萬一一天當中從食物中攝取的量超過TDI 0.5 mg/kg bw,或是有了食物被加料三聚氰胺的疑慮,接下來便需要適當的管制措施了。

老實說這段話我有看沒有懂,但大抵可以知道他是用一天可能吃到的量去評估,而不像台灣是用單一品含量,例如成人不可能以奶為主食,但嬰兒卻是。我本來想,也許New Zealand Food Safety Authority就像衛生署以及聯合報新聞說的,是為了恆天然公司護航而訂這個標準,但看到文中or there is a suspicion of adulteration這句話(有添加的疑慮就是嚴格管控的條件之一),不禁又疑惑了起來,因為這代表這個監測等級只代表紐西蘭用於事前監測的數值,跟台灣現在已經有含毒產品流入市場的狀況大不相同,相較之下,台灣的風險評估和管制措施又在哪裡?






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‧延伸閱讀 <外電>拆穿聯合報造假紐西蘭的標準為5PPM謊言


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